673《狂暴飞车3D》由帕特里克·卢西尔执导,是尼古拉斯·凯奇的第一部3D电影。弥尔顿(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一个十恶不赦的暴徒。为了阻止邪教徒在月圆之夜用他的唯一孙女的鲜血完成... -
848In prison for killing his nemesis, Patrick Jane must prove that the man he shot really was Red John.... -
923Metal music, wet paint, and family are the passions of Jesse, a struggling painter who lives a happy life with his wife, Astrid, and their preteen d -
超感神探 第五季
472超感警探第五季/Patrick Jane (金球奖提名者Simon Baker, "The Devil Wears Prada") 过去曾长期在媒体上发表各类关于精神疾病和超自然感觉的文章,并且一直担... -
超感神探 第六季
792《超感警探》英文片名为《The Mentalist》,由美国CBS发行,金球奖提名者Simon Baker主演,饰演一位过去曾长期在媒体上发表各类关于精神疾病和超自然感觉的文章,并且一直担任电视谈话节... -
超感神探 第四季
418In prison for killing his nemesis, Patrick Jane must prove that the man he shot really was Red John.... -
818Metal music, wet paint, and family are the passions of Jesse, a struggling painter who lives a happy life with his wife, Astrid, and their preteen d