183在远离大都会的偏远所在,坐落着一个名为霍普(Hope)的小镇,但是这里确实让人倍感绝望的炼狱。德瑞克(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)率领的暴走族“报应党(The Circle)”杀死国会议员,称霸小镇,贩毒、强暴、杀人、放火,如此等等,无恶不作。地方警官有心无力,只得与报应党沆瀣一气, -
404The Jetsons are a family living in the future. They have all manner of technological appliances to help around the house. George Jetson works at Spa -
55427世纪中叶,地球人与克尔瑞奇族爆发旷日持久的战争。小行星帕格萨斯某日遭到克尔瑞奇的奇袭,驻守官兵抵挡不住败下阵来,智能导航仪也被敌人夺走,这也意味着克尔瑞奇族将长驱直入,进攻地球。为了确保联邦舰队及时回防,杰弗瑞·吐温司令(戴维·沃纳 David Warner 饰)命令詹姆斯·盖斯特(Tché -
74Survivors of a tragic shipping collision are rescued by a mysterious black ship which appears out of the fog. Little do they realise that the ship is -
249In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the fami -
586Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.