991Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of -
386三个年轻的澳洲皇家海军军官在返回军队服役的前一晚在悉尼呆了一个晚上。萨姆在军队里曾经被虐待过,所以准备趁机当逃兵;迪恩则要急着要跟未婚妻和未来岳父岳母见面;而哈利则只是想大玩特玩一把扑克牌。在这短短一个晚上,他们失去了自己,也失去了彼此—萨姆很爱他的爷爷和妈妈,但是又害怕回去军队后遭到同样的待遇,所 -
比巧克力还甜 2023
634继承已故比利时祖父的遗产,露西·斯威特(Lucy Sweet)是中西部城镇沃森角(Watson Corners)的How Sweet It Is的巧克力大师,她与寡居的母亲海伦·斯威特(Helen Sweet)一起拥有并经营这家商店。在新的一年里,他们面临着大规模的租金上涨,他们只能在情人节前的繁忙 -
816An alien starship crashes in a swamp in a U.S. National Park. Some mosquitos begin to feed from the alien's corpses, causing them to grow to the -
305咆哮的二十年代下的墨尔本,芙莱妮·费雪 (Phryne Fisher, Essie Davis 饰), 一位独具韵味的摩登女侦探,凭着自己的机智幽默与一把珍珠左轮,游走于纵情声色的花街酒巷,替无助的弱... -
612Ellie, a recovering drug addict, has just moved to a new city with her two teenage children. She has struggled to stay sober in the past and is dete